POP Regulation
(EC) 850/2004
The abbreviation POP stands for "persistent organic pollutants". This regulation was issued to ensure that products do not pollute the environment in the long term or even cause irreversible damage after their useful life. For substances regulated by the POP Regulation, EU member states may also set national, higher requirements.
Important information about this directive / POP regulation compact:
- The current POP Regulation came into force in 2019, primarily making editorial changes to the predecessor Regulation (EC) No. 850/2004.
- POP Regulation limit values: Do you have questions about the applicable limit values? We will be happy to advise you on this, just give us a call.
- POP Regulation PFOA: Perfluorocytanic acid (PFOA) is a banned substance according to the POP Regulation. If you would like to know more about this point, please feel free to contact our team.
- POP Regulation List: A list of substances subject to the POP Regulation can be found here at the Euorpean Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
- POP Regulation Annex VI: Our team will also be happy to help you with any questions you may have regarding Annex VI of the POP Regulation.
These products are affected by the POP Regulation
- In principle, all products are affected.
Legally compliant implementation of the POP Regulation
Laboratory tests are essential for implementation. However, the scope of testing can be drastically reduced if it is known to what extent each material has to be tested for which pollutants. We help you!
-> Only those who act in compliance with the law are safely protected from official sanctions. We help you to implement the necessary measures.
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