Document titled GPSR with a magnifying glass placed over a warning sign
General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988 obliges
GPSR Risk Analysis Required

Mandatory for almost every product: According to the GPSR, producers must draw up technical documentation for the products they place on the market. The technical documentation must be based on an internal risk analysis.

Icon of a document being signed
General Product Safety Regulation requires Responsible Person
EU Responsible Person Service for the GPSR and more

Since 16 July 2021, it is against the law to sell products with CE marking without a Responsible Person in the EU. In addition, a Responsible Person must also be specified in accordance with the General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988.

Personal EU Batteries Regulation Training
Ready for the new Batteries Regulation (EU) 2023/1542

Find out which obligations the EU Batteries Regulation places on you and how to deal with them in your specific case. Receive comprehensive information on how to implement your obligations with regard to labelling, battery passport, EPR and due diligence obligations in the supply chain.

Personal EU Batteries Regulation Training
Ready for the new Batteries Regulation (EU) 2023/1542

Find out which obligations the EU Batteries Regulation places on you and how to deal with them in your specific case. Receive comprehensive information on how to implement your obligations with regard to labelling, battery passport, EPR and due diligence obligations in the supply chain.


trade-e-bility News and Press Releases

SCIP: Please note: from 5 January 2021, articles containing SVHC must be reported

As already reported in April, according to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the notification of articles containing SVHCs is mandatory from 5 January 2021, following the amendment to EU Directive 2018/851. SVHC stands for “Substances of Very High Concern”. All articles containing more than 0.1% by mass of SVHC substances are subject to mandatory notification. Many other electrical and electronic equipment may also be affected, as heavy metal compounds and flame retardants are also included in the SVHC list. For purposes of specifying the EU SCIP (Substances of Concern in articles as such or in complex objects (Products)) database has now been completed. Entry of SVHC substances is mandatory as of 5 January 2021. Please make timely preparations for such mandatory notification so that you or your suppliers have sufficient lead time until 5 January 2021.
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EMC/Electromagnetic compatibility: Please note that standards have been updated

On 3 November 2020, the EU Commission updated the standards harmonised under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU. New extensions to standards now apply in particular to industrial, scientific and medical equipment, household appliances, power tools and similar instruments, electrical lighting equipment and similar electrical appliances and similar electronic, multimedia and switchgear equipment. Manufacturers, importers and authorised representatives relating to the aforementioned devices must therefore check whether the test reports on which the market conformity of their products is based have lost their validity.
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REACh: Since 1 November 2020, stricter threshold values have been in place for hazardous chemicals in clothing, textiles and shoes

According to the European Commission, stricter threshold values for 33 carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic chemicals came into force on 1 November 2020. The new threshold values are based on the EU REACh Regulation, which offers the highest level of protection for human health and the environment in the world. The EU’s REACh Regulation was adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from possible risk exposure to chemicals, while simultaneously increasing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry.
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Green Deal: Commission adopts new chemicals strategy

On 14 October 2020, the European Commission adopted the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The strategy is the first step towards the zero-emissions target for a pollution-free environment announced as part of the European Green Deal. The strategy will foster and promote innovative solutions for safe and sustainable chemicals and increase the level of protection of humans and the environment from hazardous chemicals. This includes a ban on the most harmful chemicals in consumer products such as toys, childcare articles, cosmetics, detergents, food contact materials and textiles, unless they can be shown to be essential for the general good or public welfare.
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Textiles: ECHA plans to restrict over 1,000 skin-sensitising substances

According to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) supports the proposal to restrict the use of skin-sensitising substances in textiles, leather, imitation leather and fur articles placed on the market for the first time.
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Trading platform calls for REACh declaration: trade-e-bility offers solutions

In order to validate the REACh declaration, trade-e-bility will assist you with the document analysis. The declaration must be absolutely correct without fail, otherwise conventional penalties or claims for damages may be filed by customers and the goods cannot be sold as planned.
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Market Surveillance Regulation: Online markets oblige sellers to comply

The long list of rules makes it clear why now is the right time to tackle the topic of the Market Surveillance Regulation. You do not need to be concerned, however. After all, we have taken precautions for you and have developed business solutions over the last several years which are now available to you to deal with the daunting Market Surveillance Regulation.
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TMK now is trade-e-bility

As of 1 September 2020, TMK Retail Service & Consulting GmbH has a new name: trade-e-bility GmbH. In addition, seven new services were added to the service portfolio as part of the realignment.
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Observe REACh now: EU increases enforcement pressure

Manufacturers and distributors must inform consumers on request about “substances of very high concern” in products within the legal deadline of 45 days. European supervisory authorities criticise the inadequate fulfilment of the obligation to provide information. The free Scan4Chem app now enables consumers to address enquiries to product suppliers. To be able to ensure that the deadline is met, it is advisable to make preparations.
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Coordinated product safety measures imposed by EU authorities are on the rise

As reported by the news magazine Umweltruf/Europaticker, the number of follow-up measures of hazard notifications to the EU Rapid Alert System such as recalls or destruction of products increased by 10 per cent year-on-year, to reach 4,477 cases. In addition, the Commission is stepping up its work on product testing with the EU member states. The Commission will further modernise the Rapid Alert System to encourage consumers to consult the alert database and make safe buying decisions. Trade-e-bility GmbH is available to answer your questions - please call +49/40/75068730-0 or send an e-mail message to
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