The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has announced that it is taking on a new role to improve the safety of packaging materials. ECHA will identify harmful chemicals in packaging and propose restrictions on their use upon request. These tasks result from the new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which came into force on 11 February 2025 (trade-e-bility reported: EU Packaging Regulation in force).
The EU Packaging Regulation brings new tasks for ECHA. The first task is to support the European Commission by preparing a study to identify chemicals of concern in packaging and related components and assess how these chemicals affect their safety, reuse and recycling. ECHA is to submit its contribution to the Commission by the end of September 2026. On the basis of this report, the Commission will then consider appropriate follow-up measures, including possible restrictions on the use of substances in packaging materials that pose a risk to health or the environment. These restrictions will follow the existing REACH restriction procedure. Through this work, ECHA will help to better protect people and the environment from harmful chemicals in packaging and promote safe reuse and sustainable recycling.
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