On 23 April 2024, the EU Parliament adopted the directive on the so-called right to repair by 584 votes to 3 with 14 abstentions (trade-e-bility reported). Here is a summary of the key points:
- Producers must carry out repairs in a timely and cost-effective manner
- Liability period during the warranty period for repaired devices is extended by one year
- Producers must repair common household products such as washing machines, hoovers and even smartphones even after the statutory warranty has expired
- Consumers can borrow a replacement appliance during the repair period
- European form with repair information for consumers
- Repair services are evaluated and compared (price/duration of repair)
- European online platform for local repair businesses
- Producers must provide spare parts and tools
Next steps: Once the Directive has been formally approved by the Council and published in the Official Journal of the European Union, Member States will have 24 months to transpose it into national law.
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Due to the many questions about the right to repair and the ever-increasing product bureaucracy, the trade-e-bility consulting team will be happy to advise you via +49/40/750687-300 or sales@trade-e-bility.de about solutions to ensure your sales success regarding the right to repair.